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  • Writer's pictureKarra W. McCray

Small term sacrifices for LONG term GAINS and GOALS!

As I slumber and dread in what I call the “End-of-the-Semester hump” I can’t help but to be reminded that although I am weary and just want to give up, the light at the end of the tunnel awaits me.

It is hard being a student, a good one at least. From reading articles and writing papers, to trying to stay involved on campus and often times working, there are times when I find myself questioning and doubting my decision to further my education. Thoughts of being a stripper or winning the lottery come to my mind, but then I’m reminded that this is what I signed myself up for. I knew when I came to grad school that it wouldn’t be easy, but this is what I wanted.. so what do I have to do? Put on my big girl panties, stop the whining and complaining and just get whatever is needed DONE.

Your career, your dreams and goals….these things are YOURS. If you want it bad enough, you are going to be willing to do whatever is necessary to reach them. No setback, obstacle or person should be powerful enough to stop you from working towards and building your dream. However, most people forget that with hard work comes sacrifice. There are going to be sometimes when you have to surrender or give up something for the sake of something else.

You might have to pass on going out with the crew or that extra nap so that you can study for that exam or write that paper. You may have to pass on getting those new shoes or that new purse to pay for the LSAT, GRE or PRAXIS. You may have to let those old flings go or cut off your “friends” for the sake of spiritual growth. Whatever the case may be, you may have to sacrifice something. Nevertheless, with great sacrifice comes great victory!!

These small sacrifices, and yes they are small because they won’t even matter tomorrow, will only bring you closer to your long term gains and goals.

You can do this!

No weapon formed against you shall prosper!

The sacrifices that you are making today are laying the foundation for your success tomorrow! Don’t give up!

Keep pushing!

You can do ALL things though Christ who strengthens you!

The light at the end of the tunnel awaits you.

Peace. Love. Hennessy.

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