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  • Writer's pictureKarra W. McCray

GOD has the final say

To my lovely, devoted readers,

Many of you are aware that I failed my graduate EWE exam and as a result was required to take a writing class this semester. Well if you didn’t know, you know now. I knew, but somehow it slipped my mind. I was sitting in my Statistics class Monday evening and it randomly crossed my mind that I was supposed to register for the class. Being a frequent victim of anxiety attacks, I began to freak out and immediately emailed the director asking for the class registration details so I could sign up.

The next morning, she replied to my email and said that the class was being offered two different times this semester. The first class meeting was on Monday evenings at 5:00pm and the other was on Wednesday mornings at 11:00am. I had another class that met on Monday evenings so that option was out, and I work full-time so the Wednesday morning class meeting was definitely not an option either. I nicely responded and told her that none of the times accommodated my schedule and asked if the class would be available in the fall. She responded back and told me that we should meet to discuss additional options and to attach my writing sample to the email. I followed her instructions and we both agreed that 1:00pm Wednesday afternoon would work best for us and that if I was running late I would email her to let her know.

I got up extra early this morning so that I would have sufficient time to prepare for my work day and still have time to meet her at 1:00pm as agreed on. I finished up my work meeting at about 12:23pm, making me late for the appointment. As promised, I emailed her and told her that I was running a few minutes behind. I drove as fast as the speed limit allowed (I swear!) so that I would not waste her time and when I pulled into the spot, I checked my email and she replied with the following email:

So at this time I’m baffled to say the least….Why would she have made suggestions on my paper and have a certificate waiting for me?? I waited patiently until 1:35pm and walked into her office.

We exchanged greetings and I saw my name on a big, manila envelope sitting on her desk. I introduced myself to her and she said, “Hello. Nice to finally meet you. There were a few grammatical errors in your paper, but other than that it was good. You’re a great writer. Your certificate of completion is in this envelope, give this to your department chair and you should be fine. Let me know if you have any questions.”

At this point, it seems too good to be true and I think that God must be playing jokes on me so I expressed my words of gratitude and left the office. I opened the envelope to see my ORIGINAL paper with a passing score and two certificates with my name on it inside.

LISTEN, I’m sure somebody got pure entertainment watching me holy ghost two-step out of that office, but I did not care! GOD IS SOOOOOOO GOOD! I can’t tell ya’ll how many times I said “Thank You Jesus!” today, but I’m sure I’m close to a million now.

Moral of the Story: Know yourself. Know your strengths. Never doubt yourself, even when others do and always make your requests known to God. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think. He is a miracle worker and there is NOTHING too hard for him!

Good luck and best of wishes to college students everywhere!

Peace. Love. Hennessy.

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