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  • Writer's pictureKarra W. McCray


Over the past few months, I’ve had people approach me asking for legal advice or tell me that they can’t wait until I’m a lawyer and I awkwardly just stare at them. And yes, awkwardly staring at someone is rude, but I’m not always sure how to interrupt their rants about how much lawyers are needed in our community and how great they know I’ll do. After awkwardly staring, I usually do a half smile and just say thank you because the gag is *KeKe Palmer voice* I’M NOT IN LAW SCHOOL!

Whew. Now that I’ve gotten that out...

Yes guys, I am NOT in law school. I know that I’ve spent my entire life aspiring to be an attorney. I wanted to go to law school, practice family law and become a judge. I know I told everyone my plans and I’m sure all of you believed me because I usually do exactly what it is I say, except this time.

After spending time navigating the legal system by working with an attorney and interning in the Public Defender’s office, I lost that fire that I once had. The more educated I became on the ins and outs of the system, the more I was drawn away from it. I didn’t love law anymore and could not fathom dedicating my entire life to legal matters. Since I didn’t feel that my heart was in it, I changed my career goals.

Change is inevitable.

Life has a unique way of molding us into the people that we will become. We will grow, develop and change. We won’t always like the things that we used to like and won’t always do the things we used to. In fact, if you are the same person that you were a few years ago or even last year you need to do some retrospection and evaluation over your life. Be proud of the changes in your life and openly embrace them.

For a long time, I beat myself up for not going to law school. It was not that I had a desire to attend, but I was upset because for the first time in life I did not do something that I said that I was going to do. I did not want to feel as if I was letting those who looked up to me down. I did not want anyone to think that I was giving up on my dreams or taking the easy way out. However, I had to remind myself that I must do what makes ME HAPPY! Everyone will not understand and that’s okay. I had to accept that if someone didn’t agree with my decision or think that it was the right thing to do, then it is certainly their problem. In the words of granddaddy Ellis Ford, “the hell with people and what they think.”

This is YOUR life. Live it as you please.

You are not required to be the same person that you were yesterday. You are not required to explain to others your plans or goals. You do not have to choose a profession because it is what others want you to do. You do not have to take the job that your parents want you to take. You are not limited to career opportunities only within the scope of your major. You are not restricted to only have one dream job.

However, you are allowed to explore your talents and interests, even if it includes a route different from the original one. You are allowed to dream big and at any given moment, rearrange and alter your plans. You are allowed to confidently embrace change. And no matter how hard or impossible it may seem, you are allowed to start over and try again.

Find something that you love doing and DO IT even if it is not what you originally intended it to be!

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”- Henri Bergson

Peace. Love. Henny.

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