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  • Writer's pictureKarra W. McCray

If 2017 wasn't your year...

WWOOOWW! We are less than 5 days away from 2018 and I am honestly sitting here wondering where did 2017 go. When I try to think of anything that has happened within the last year, my mind draws a blank. Nonetheless, 2017 is over and like a tweet that has gone viral has referenced, it has taught me one thing…THIS YEAR WAS NOT MY YEAR!

When the year began, I was very optimistic and confident about how great 2017 was going to be for me. I know that I planned to lay low this year, but I wanted to sow seeds, make investments, expand on my platform and build. I had huge ideas and plans that I wanted to come to fruition and was convinced that everything would be perfect fall into place, but………it just didn’t work out that way. Everything sounded so good on January 1, 2017, but here it is the end of December and I haven’t done most of those things.

But that’s okay.

If I’m being honest, 2017 defeated me. It broke my heart, beat me up, slapped me in the face and took everything that I had and I didn’t like it. I felt uncomfortable, less than, mediocre and basic ALL YEAR LONG! I did not live up to my full potential and there is no one to blame except myself.

The hardest part about accepting this though was that 2017 was the year for everyone else around me. My friends were POPPIN this year (shoutout to them)…accomplishing life goals, getting promotions, starting bomb careers, landing great internships, graduate school acceptances, engagements and so much more. They were lit and I was too. I celebrated with each and every one of them and was extremely happy every single time they came to me with their great news because that’s what friends do.

SN: Celebrate other people. If you can’t be happy for others when they get their blessings, it only shows how much you’re not ready for yours.

However, when it came to myself, I did not have one thing to celebrate. My life was so boring and I felt that I was underperforming in everything I did. My work ethic was declining, I lost my focus, I didn’t have any motivation, everything just felt that it was going downhill. It seemed like everything that could’ve went wrong did. I experienced failures, hard times, betrayal, and all kinds of negative things that I try not to think about.

However, I know that just like this year must come to an end, so must my bad times, my hardships, my failures, and all the bad things that 2017 threw at me. I have accepted that this was not my year and that’s okay. However, I refuse to let that stop me from living my best life in 2018. I have to put the past behind me and so should you.

Know that while this year may have pressed you on all sides, may have pushed you to your breaking point and made you feel less than, it does not define you. You are greater than your tribulations and your problems. Greater than your heartbreak and defeat. Greater than everything that has been thrown your way.

Be thankful for your bad times because they have helped shaped you into the person that you are today. Whether you have noticed or not, they have made you stronger, made your tougher and made you better. Remember, after every test, there’s a testimony, after every rain, a rainbow so dry your tears! Adjust your crown and get ready for the new year.

“May the tears you cried in 2017 be the nourishment to the soil of 2018.”

Get ready because 2018 is waiting for you!

Peace. Love. Hennessy.

Karra <3

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