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  • Writer's pictureKarra W. McCray


The love & support that we've received over the last few days has been PHENOMENAL! I'm still at a lost for words for how beautiful, inspiring and empowering “A Glass of Class” brunch really was.

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People complain all the time about the problems at home, but no one tries to solve them. So many people move away from here and never look back, only perpetuating the culture of negativity that already exists. However, I've learned that change starts with me and it starts at home. I can't talk down on people from home (especially when I’m a product of the same environment) when I've never actually done anything to make it better.

God gave me the vision to host this brunch in mid-January after praying for him to help me use my talent and time to better serve Him & others. I reached out to my flosse posse shortly after and we've been planning since. Hours of conference calls, several meet ups, LOTS of money, stress, countless prayers, fasting & so much more. However, after Saturday none of that mattered because this event was better than anything else I could have imagined!

As the event got closer, we began to receive negative feedback from some who simply did not understand our purpose. To them we were not “qualified” or in a position to host, but we understood that if God didn’t give them the vision, it was impossible for them to understand the plan. We were reminded that although weapons may form, He promised that they wouldn’t prosper.

Despite the obstacles, we've persevered and on Saturday he showed us that there is a blessing in the pressing. I can't even begin to tell you how AMAZING Saturday was. There's not enough words to describe my emotions because I'm honestly still overwhelmed. People gave testimonies, shared their struggles, told about the boss moves they're making in their own lives, shed tears and so much more. It was honestly the best thing that I have ever witnessed in my entire life!

If anything, this brunch reminded me that there's power in unity. No matter how big & tough we think we are, we cannot do anything alone. Without the help of Amber, Shawana & Fera I'm not sure this event would've been successful. Each of their own unique talents made the event extra special and added a bit more sparkle. We fostered a sisterhood that transcended the brunch. We all have our individual battles, but TOGETHER we've been able to encourage, laugh, pray and fast each other through.

More importantly though, this event taught me that BLACK WOMEN are still the baddest and best thing to ever grace the Earth! We are a force to be reckoned with. We are each beautiful in our own ways & despite our backgrounds have so much to offer the world. So despite contrary belief, they are BEAUTIFUL, POSITIVE, UPLIFTING BOSSES from Georgetown County and I saw them Saturday. We started a movement and I'm so excited for all God is about to do in our lives. I know that this is just the beginning.

Remember, empowered women, empower woman!

Peace. Love. André. (This post was too refined for Hennessy).

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